This extension is ‘appindicators’ from ubuntu, renamed ‘top indicator app’ under the terms of the GPL v2 +. it is the extension itself that Ubuntu o[……]
How to show indicator icons in the panel in Debian.
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This extension is ‘appindicators’ from ubuntu, renamed ‘top indicator app’ under the terms of the GPL v2 +. it is the extension itself that Ubuntu o[……]
like follow[Desktop Entry]
Name=Start VirtualMachine
debian@virtual-machine:~$ timedatectl status
Local time: Thu 2024-12-19 13:21:58 HKT
Universal time: Thu[......]
debian@virtual-machine:~$ sudo apt install fcitx5
sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils
sudo apt install cockpit cockpit-machines